Itinerary for an end-of-year trip in Doñana in 3 days.

To make an end-of-year trip in Doñana in 3 days, requires preparation and planning to get the most out of the experience.

Considering that Doñana is an area of more than 120,000 hectares divided into the National Park and the Natural Park, it certainly has a lot to offer in terms of tourism.

The richness and ecological value of Doñana is amazing. In fact, the Doñana National Park has been declared a World Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve.

To get the most out of this beautiful tourist destination, we will show you a possible 3-day itinerary, where you will be able to visit the best places and do some fun activities for a school trip. The itinerary includes not only the park, but also important sites and tourist attractions in the surrounding area.

End of the year trip in Doñana in 3 days.

Day 1. Tour the Doñana National Park and the village of El Rocio.

The itinerary begins in Matalascañas, with a fun 4×4 route that will take us to the interior of the park.

During the tour you can see all kinds of wildlife, and with the help of expert guides you will learn about the formation of the dunes, and their importance in this beautiful nature reserve, unique in the country. You can walk and admire the beauty of the landscapes and the peace that you can breathe in this protected environment.

Once the tour of Doñana is over, the itinerary continues to the famous village of El Rocío. An excellent idea is to take a walk along the shore of the marsh, while watching hundreds of flamingos and numerous species of seabirds.

Day 2. Visit to the Lugares Colombinos.

Day 2 is a real history lesson outdoors, where you will get to know first-hand the place from where the famous caravels of Christopher Columbus departed.

Arriving in Palos de la Frontera, you will feel the conquering and seafaring atmosphere, appreciating the huge wooden ships characteristic of the port. It is a visit that has been declared a Historic-Artistic Site, located in the municipalities of Moguer and Palos de la Frontera. In these two municipalities you can visit interesting sites such as:

– Muelle de las Carabelas.

In the pier you can see amazing copies of the caravels, the Pinta, the Niña and the Santa Maria. They were built in 1992 to commemorate the V Centenary of the Discovery of America. Along the walk you can also see a recreation of a port neighborhood of the time, and a village that replicates the one the Spanish sailors found.

– José Celestino Mutis Botanical Park.

The Botanical Park José Celestino Mutis, is one of the most interesting places in the Itinerary for an end of course trip in Doñana in 3 days.

It was inaugurated in 1993 to commemorate the V Centenary of the return to Palos de la Frontera, which ended with the discovery of America. It is a very quiet walk where you will appreciate a wide variety of flora from all continents.

Day 3. End of course trip in Doñana in 3 days – Beach and Sports.

The beach cannot be left out of our itinerary for an end of course trip in Doñana in 3 days. The last day is reserved for total enjoyment and relaxation on the beach, and walks in nearby villages.

This itinerary includes a tour of Huelva, where we recommend going to the beach of Isla Canela, perfect for water sports such as windsurfing, canoeing, sailing or kitesurfing. Also worth noting that the promenade located at the pier of Punta del Moral to Isla Canela, has a bike path, for a tour accompanied by amazing views.

Near this place is Isla Cristina. One of the best activities to do in the place, is to attend the auction of sin in the fish market, and see firsthand everything that includes the daily routine to supply all parts of the peninsula.

Currently, the fishing port of Isla Cristina, along with Vigo is the number 1 in Spain. For this reason, watching how the product arrives on the boats until it is sold, is a very striking and interesting activity to do.

Finally, you can finish the third day in Punta Umbria, enjoying the 12 kilometers of beach, and visiting a fishing village in the old town with a wide range of bars and stores. In addition to the tour, we invite you to try the typical tapas of Huelva, with seafood and fish as the main ingredients.

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