Why take end-of-year trips in nature?

In recent years, end-of-year trips in nature have become especially popular. These trips usually take place in natural parks, and fortunately Spain has a great variety of ecosystems in 132 national parks.

That is why natural parks have become one of the favorite destinations for end-of-year trips. The biological and scenic characteristics of the parks provide not only a visual delight, but also many multi-adventure activities.

The activities and dynamics may be different depending on the predominant natural environment of the park, whether marine or terrestrial.

End-of-year trips in nature parks.

Natural parks offer a variety of ecosystems, which are a unique opportunity to teach students the respect and value of nature. Since these are protected spaces, by national and international entities, there are several conservation protocols that students will learn to maintain and conserve nature.

End-of-the-year trips in nature: activities and knowledge.

The great advantage of end-of-year trips in nature is that they can combine activities and knowledge. After all, nature parks are a center of national and international tourism.

Therefore, the activities that manage these parks make good use of the environment to complement the tourist visits with leisure and cultural activities.

This is the reason why natural parks are the perfect place for end-of-year trips. The leisure activities in these natural environments are very varied, and depend on the natural park itself. But the most common of all is the tour of the park, which can be done in many ways.

Tours in the national parks can be done in vehicles or by hiking. In any case, they are carried out in the company of professional guides. The team is crucial for end-of-year trips, because they are the people responsible for transmitting the knowledge of the natural environment to the children.

Learning in the natural parks.

The way in which the professionals transmit the knowledge to the children is through games and dynamics using the ecosystem of the natural park. One of the most famous and most learning activities is called interpretive hiking.

Interpretive trekking is an activity based on the interpretation and knowledge of the park’s natural environment. Through such interpretation, children usually become familiar with the functioning of the natural environment, understanding and even explaining these spaces. Such transmission of knowledge is surprising, since they learn without even noticing it.

End-of-school trips in nature: activities in nature.

Interpretive hiking is very popular, but it is not the only activity for end-of-year trips. Another activity that sounds basic is watching nature itself.

Ornithology is an important activity for end-of-year trips, and natural parks provide the ideal opportunity to practice it. The direct observation of wildlife in a natural space is very attractive for children, who will return home telling their parents about the species they have seen.

On the other hand, the typical routes and cycle tourism are also in great demand for end-of-year trips in nature. However, the great attraction of cycling routes is that you can cover a greater distance than walking, and the landscapes that can be seen are amazing.

On the other hand, horseback riding is a fascinating way to enjoy the natural surroundings, and is usually an unforgettable experience for children and adults. Fortunately, many natural parks have special routes for bicycles and several horseback ridings routes, so including these activities becomes very successful.

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